Friday 15 November 2013

Readers Mail: Help! I Caught My Fiance With Another Man!

I got this mail from one of my readers. It's so touching that I thought to share with you and get your opinions
Dear PEB,

I am having a torrid time sorting my head. My finace of 2 years did something so shocking I almost wen mad. I never knew these things existed in Nigeria! Read the story after the break
Here's my story:
We started dating December 2011 after we hit it off at a mutual friend's birthday party. I moved in with him April 2013 so we could always be together. We've been having a nice relationship though we occassionally fight as expected. On the fateful day, I rushed back home after I forgot a vital document as I rushed off to work. The nauseating sight I met back at home was devastating that I almost passed out!

My boyfriend was having sex with a guy who he introduced to me as his "best" friend! It's been 2 weeks since the incident occurred and I moved out of his house. He's been trying to make me understand but he's not convinced me one bit. Kindly advise me. Since he did not sleep with a female like me do I consider it cheating? Should we proceed and get married - I still love him? I need to sort my head out. Your opinions will go a long way!


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