Thursday, 19 September 2013

People Fight Me Because I Have Not Allowed Them To Siphon AGN’s Money-Ibinabo Fiberesima

The drop-dead beauty, Ibinabo Fiberesima, the president for Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN, within a short spate of her regime has brought a lot of panache and novelties to the association. Amongst her primary accomplishment is the Health Insurance Scheme which kicked off recently. However, the mother of one and former beauty queen, has opened up about why a lot of people in Nollywood are waging cold war against her.

Hear her, “All the people fighting me today are doing so because I have not allowed them to misappropriate funds. In a day, we register between 15-20 people and it’s their money. They will pay in the bank and once you have paid, you will get an ID from the bank, it’s a visa card. If you go to an Embassy, they will first check if your name is on the data list from the bank, in that way, we’ve put up check and balances. If you come to me now for the number of our members, all I need do is to check and give you the exact figure.”

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