Who says without six pacs a guy is not sexy, and with a protruding stomach, girls give you the red light? Olamide, in his current video 'Kodurosoke', has defiled the believe that a man without six packs is not sexy with his protruding stomach, showing it off all through in an unbuttoned shirt he wore in the video. He's no doubt loved by his female fans and don't think they will no longer love him for not having six pacs. Six pacs versus protruding stomach, reminds me of Rick Ross who confidently shows off his protruding stomach, telling whoever cares to listen; six packs or not, he's still super fly and cool with what he got. A new song by Jahbless had him say six packs is for boys, while protruding stomach is for men, cause men with it spend more than boys with six pacs. Guys, the question is, 6 pacs versus protruded stomach which one is better?

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