Monday 2 November 2015

Murray-Bruce Warns Buhari To Stop Blame Game


If there is one politician who has been very vocal recently, then that would Ben Murray-Bruce, a Senator from Bayelsa State in the National Assembly.

The Silverbird Group boss have been speaking on issues of national importance lately though he has been bashed sometimes for his views, but that has not stopped him in anyway.

He is quick to air his views on social media, especially on Twitter, which has made some people to dub him a Twitter Senator.

He recently vented his anger on the slow pace of work by this present administrating.

Murray-Bruce said, “You can only blame your predecessor for your problems for so long. After six months, so long becomes too long! six months is 1/8 of a four year tenure. If you are still blaming your predecessor after six months, when are you going to ever deliver the goods? Blaming others is a sign of helplessness. A leader should not blame. He must take responsibility for leading us out of troubled waters.”
He also urged advisers of President Muhammadu Buhari to make hay while the sun shines and not “make blame while the sun shines.”

The lawmaker also advised his critics to “go ahead and attack me, I don't mind. I am not the President or a Governor. I'm just a Nigerian who loves Muhammadu Buhari, enough to tell him the truth!”

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