Friday, 20 November 2015

#BringBackOurSoldiers: Army denies losing 105 soldiers to Boko Haram, calls story “a figment of imagination”

Lt_General Tukur Buratai.fw 
The Nigerian Chief of Army Staff Lt. General Tukur Buratai has denied reports that 105 soldiers are missing.
In a phone call with Vanguard, the General called it “a figment of imagination of the authors of the story”.

Premium Times broke the missing soldiers in Borno story yesterday morning, which prompted a #BringBackOurSoldiers social media campaign.

General Buratai, who is from Borno state and was appointed by President Buhari on July 13, 2015, stated,
“It is not true that our soldiers are missing. The soldiers went on a mission for the Nigerian nation and they have since returned and joined their battalions”.
Source: Vanguard

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