Tuesday 19 November 2013

Kim K's ex Reggie Bush takes a shot at Kanye West on Instagram

NFL player Reggie Bush, who dated Kim Kardashian from 2007 to 2010, took a small jab at Kanye West on his instagram page two days ago by posting a pic of actor Leonardo Dicapiro with a glass of wine in his hands with the caption 'Cheers. When you see someone else dealing with the BS your ex tried to put you through' (See the pic after the cut)

Reggie had several issues when he dated Kim but seems to be living a private beautiful life since ending things with the reality star. Not only has his career picked up, he has a baby with his girlfriend, and paparazzi don't follow him around like they used to when he was with Kim.

Kanye's career on the other hand, has taken a turn for the worst since dating Kim. His popularity has dropped by 66%, he's having legal issues after assaulting paparazzi, he's not able to fill concert venues, Jay Z is not messing with him anymore and he just seems to be having a nervous breakdown.

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