Wednesday 16 October 2013


This post was sent in by a Lazywrita blog reader. i was touched when i read it and decided to share with you guys.
I am unaffected! Well, fortunately because I am in my 400 level and in an Engineering Department, which informs you that I wake up in the wee hours of each day to fulfil my obligations as an Engineer in the making, my 6-month SIWES(IT). But I understand what it feels to see dawn and remain clueless regarding what the day holds, I know what it feels to get freaked and bored over a routinely ‘eat-sleep-movies-chat’ cycle, I can imagine the indecision and confusion in many hearts regarding courses to learn,skills to acquire and talents to develop; not to mention the huge expenses that escorts accumulating these knowledge. I surely know getting temporary jobs is as difficult as ASUU calling off the strike,steering up thoughts of the several thousands of graduates that yet wallow in unemployment, I know what it is to be occasionally angered by parents when familiarity itself is popular for breeding contempt, I know how terribly brain-drained some of us are now, I know some of us might have dangled into some addict-struck en deeds that does nothing but demean the iota of value in us. Lives waste away, Dreams squashing like some Bodija tomatoes, Visions fading off like erosion. The saddest is that we can offer nothing in appeasing the fury and folly of these gods. Not SU Presidents,Not NANS, Not JCC, Not….whatever that is student-like. We are simply helpless!
But dear ASUU opines that; For the omelette to be formed,a few eggs must shatter! Dear ASUU should not be taught that shells of these eggs could be denting whilst consuming the proposed delicacy of this omelette. They should know that destroying the present for the future is destroying the future itself! I expect Nassir Fagge and his brethren to understand that robbing Abraham hoping to pay an unborn Isaac could lead to Abraham suffering an irredeemable damage thus never raising a good Isaac. We are merely tools to veil their own greed!
I know lecturers that customarily crash students about a fortnight to exams, I know lecturers that NEVER updates lecture notes, I know lecturers that lazily come to classes praying for that slight moment to vent their smelly frustrations on students and subsequently walk away from classes, I know lecturers that do nothing but mystify even the little we know, I hear of Professors and their own devises of siphoning school funds, I hear of lecturers that can hardly contain their libido at the sight of their ‘daughters’. For Heavens’ sake, a #100b or #400b isn’t needed to erase these rampant anomalies that has rabidly decayed the system! The Holy Bible has even divulged that only those faithful in little things can be faithful in big things. We are just baits to capture the big fish;only to be discarded after usage! SELFISH…Well, In as much as the nostrils has the interesting privilege of sensing a well-cooked soup or a good perfume,it can not perceive the (in)sincerity of our angry teachers regarding their seeming cravings for a better infrastructure!
To the rogues in the helm of affairs, we appreciate your illogicality, dishonesty, eccentricity, insensitivity and gross negligence to our lives thus far. We appreciate how you steadily switch our future from being a promise to being a threat! I need not recite again, the customary nagging of how you misplace priorities, the manner at which you concentrate less on the mandate but more on your pathetic selves! I do not need to reiterate the billions of dollar that stroll into your salaries, luxury and fraud. It is just analogous to screaming at a dumb man! But you know what infuriates… The sudden change of highlights on news, the swift shift of attention, the irritating peace-making of PDP taking limelight! The business on ground now is settling PDP crisis. Pathetic shey?! It is just a simple disclosure of our IRRELEVANCE! Now look at the tides; they quarrel, appeal and settle out belligerent factions then beg these same us for votes in 2015…*scoffs* It saddens that albeit enduring a long while of the government’s insanity, we WILL forget how much we suffered in their dishonest hands, we get wooed again by 2015 and still throng out in millions to lend assistance to another tenure of laundering. After all, there is the whole of 2014 to make up for lost faith. I am 23years old. I did not vote two years ago and I am glad I do not have intentions of exercising a franchise that yet looms doom in 2015! Imagine a large bulk of us robbing these covetous oldies of a convincing victory in 2015. APC,PDP,CPC…it is all a conglomerate of hustlers for gluttony!
I know our generation is ‘almost’ a failed one in a possible revolution as it is paraded in our dear NANS,SUs,et al. I just wish we can swiftly identify the scoundrels amongst us and rebuff them in the smallest elections we hold! We CANNOT afford to tell this same tales in our time!!!
Please Share….

JEGEDE OluwaKayode O.
University Of Ibadan.

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